Posts in Tips and tricks
What’s inside Excel Everest? Tutorial Contents Part 12

The basic math formulas in Excel allow you to do, well, basic math. The standard Sum, Count, and Average formulas are more or less self-explanatory and always useful.  A few other formulas that are highly practical for all sorts of analyses are Percentile and Percent rank. These allow you to determine where a number lies on the distribution of a set of numbers.

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What’s inside Excel Everest? Tutorial Contents Part 10

The Insert tab in Excel has a bunch of functions that let you create content in your Excel file that is not contained in a cell itself. You can think of the objects you create with the Insert tab as sitting in a thin layer on top of the cells. This text box, for instance, was created using the Insert tab. Many of the items in this toolbar will be similar to those you may have used in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint.  The lines, arrows, text boxes, and other shapes found in these menus allow you to make your Excel file look clean and logical.

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